Reflections, from a man obsessed with
the truth...
SIGNS & WONDERS & MIRACLES Acts 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: Hebrews 2:3-4 (KJV) 3 How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;4 God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will? GOD'S STAMP OF APPROVAL Look closely at the scriptures above. They reveal some very important spiritual truths for us to take hold of. We find that Luke in Acts 2:22, states that Jesus Christ was "approved" of God by "miracles, signs and wonders". That is not a verse you want to skim over quickly, it is dynamite! Luke is saying, this man Jesus was not just a phenomenal teacher, or merely a gifted orator and charismatic leader; though he was certainly that and more. To be "approved" of God has a very special meaning, and worth examining. Luke was ascribing the power of doing supernatural acts to Christ, which was another way of saying: Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God, a man that proved Who He said He was, by the very things He did - in essence: If you need proof of Who Jesus Christ is, look no further than at the very works He did for all to witness while He was here among us! In the book of Hebrews, verses 3 and 4 f chapter 2, we find the same idea expressed, only now it's after Jesus has ascended into heaven, and the words are slightly different. The writer of Hebrews, uses the expression in verse 4: God also "bearing them witness", both with signs, and wonders, and with various miracles... to bear witness means to: give evidence or proof of something. What both of these passages are saying to us is that, God proves He has sanctioned, and blessed, and approved of the person or persons who are ministering to others in His name - and according to His purpose and will; by signs, wonders, and miracles. Whew! That is for us as modern believers also a way of saying in reverse, or conversely: Where we find no signs, wonders, or miracles, or very few - we may rightly conclude that God is "not bearing witness" or "approving" of that ministry... Strong words, perhaps - but only if you believe God is content to no longer show forth His power in performing signs,wonders, and miracles in the earth. The modern church has learned to be satisfied without them. That is a pity, and evidence of a "powerless church" that has succumbed to doctrines of demons and unbelief. VINES EXPOSITORY GREEK DICT <A-3,Verb,584,apodeiknumi> (approved) lit., "to point out, to exhibit" (apo, "forth," deiknumi, "to show"), is used once in the sense of proving by demonstration, and so bringing about an "approval." The Lord Jesus was "a Man approved of God by mighty works and wonders and signs," Acts 2:22. See PROVE, SET, No. 17, SHEW. Here we find that to be "approved of God", means to "prove by demonstration". That is simple, God proved that Jesus was His son, by demonstrating it through miracles, and signs and wonders. But, as we all know that just wasn't enough for many who witnessed these great manifestations of supernatural power through Christ's many acts of miraculous healing, and other inexplicable feats of wonder and otherworldly power. Turning water to wine, feeding multitudes with a few fish and loaves of bread, and even raising persons from the dead were not enough to win over many who blindly reasoned away these wondrous acts with "unbelief" that Jesus Himself was amazed by... Mark 6:6 And he marveled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages, teaching. John 12:37 But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him: MY FIRST MIRACLE... As a new Christian, I hadn't been told yet that miracles and signs and wonders were no longer for today - that would come later. I was just naive, and simple enough to believe that God could still do the kind of things I was reading in the New Testament, like healing people after you laid hands on them and prayed for them. As I read the things that Jesus did, and that the early apostles and disciples did in the Book of Acts; I was filled with faith and a strong belief that we could still witness the power of God today if we would just act boldly in faith. For some reason, that was very easy for me as a new believer - I had yet to be taught otherwise. One day, I went to visit my mother who was staying in an upstairs apartment in a house that had another apartment on the ground floor. As I pulled into the driveway that afternoon, I heard a moaning sound coming from the downstairs apartment. It sounded like someone was dying or in serious trouble. I quickly ran up the steps of the porch, and tried to peer into the downstairs apartment, by placing my face close to the screen door. As I strained to see through the old webbed screen that is common to those kind of old screen doors; I saw a woman standing on a chair and she was yelling and screaming in pain, "Help me, help me, please help me!" I forced the door open after a couple of hard yanks, and ran over to where she was standing on a chair with her hand smashed underneath a window that had fallen on it. * This is the kind of window found in older homes, that has pulleys inside the wall, it is very heavy to lift, and is often very difficult to move up or down. I reached over, and gently pulled the window up - off of her bruised and battered hand, and then lifted her off of the chair and down to the ground. The woman's name was Bernice, a short elderly woman, who was a seamstress, and probably only weighed about 100 pounds soaking wet, really. She was hysterical, and screaming about how her hand was smashed, and how she would no longer be able to sew or do any of her work as a seamstress. A PRAYER OF COMPASSION... I remember very little about everything that was going on at that moment, but I do remember feeling compassion for this woman. With less than a minute having passed from the time I lifted the window off her hand, I told her to calm down - that Jesus was going to heal her. I grabbed her wrist, and I looked down at her hand that was severely bruised, red, and showing the obvious signs of being broken or fractured at the very least. If you've ever smashed your hands or tissue on your body, then you know how skin looks when it has been smashed or hit very hard. For some strange reason, I never gave that a second thought - I just began to pray for her and my words were not rehearsed or eloquent that day; but they most surely were spoken in faith and from the heart. "In the name of Jesus, I speak healing to this hand now - amen!" (or words very similar to those) In a nano second, before I could blink - her hand before my very eyes was completely healed, and restored to normal - the same as her other hand. She began to move her hand and open and close it, then she began to thank me over and over - she was so excited she began to jump up and down in the room shouting, "THANK YOU - O THANK YOU!" I quickly told her, "don't thank me, it was Jesus who healed you - thank Him." We praised God together, and the presence of God was very strong in that living room - the glory of God was with us in a mighty way. That was my first miracle. *Note - Bernice had been trying to water some plants as I recall FINAL THOUGHTS... Bernice went to be with the Lord only a couple of years after that miracle happened, but I'm sure she was never quite the same after having that experience. I know it changed me forever. I knew God could theoretically still perform miracles and signs and wonders; but honestly seeing one, only a few inches from my eyes, and instantaneously - well, that took me to a new place in my walk with God, and buoyed my faith to a new level that had me believing GOD CAN DO ANYTHING!! Sadly, I was later to be told that God no longer does miracles or the supernatural among us anymore; that those manifestations had ended with the early church long ago... (the modern day Sadducees Looking back now, I can see that as a new believer, who had not been taught any false teachings or doctrines of demons yet; my faith was strong and childlike - ready to believe God could and would do amazing and awesome things if we would just dare to believe Him and take Him at His word. Fighting to keep my simple faith in God's promises and words to us, would prove to be harder and harder as I became involved with the modern church and many of the mainstream denominations who no longer teach or believe God still does miracles, signs, and wonders. Keeping this simple, childlike faith has been an ongoing struggle for me over the years because of all of the "unbelief" that is in the church today. I know it must break God's heart, and it most certainly quenches the Spirit of God from "bearing them witness" with supernatural manifestations of His power... Do you still believe in miracles, signs and wonders? I hope so, God does. Matthew 17:19-20 (KJV) 19 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? 20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Matthew 13:58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief. Blessings to all/michael/fool4CHRIST
OVERCOMING EVIL & DEMONS Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Ephesians 6:11-12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places 2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. One of the most important lessons I've had to learn since becoming a Christian, especially when it comes to ministering to people - is never, never trust your eyes. In fact, I've learned to have little confidence in my ears, or other natural senses as well because when it comes to discerning what is "really" going on in a person's heart and mind, can rarely be observed with our five senses. All around us, the Bible teaches us is a "spiritual world" that is far more real than the physical world in which we spend most of our time living in. We can't see it, but by "faith", we know that it exists. I'm talking of course about the world of angels and demons, that are all around us - doing both good and evil for their respective Kings. Jesus is our King, the King of the kingdom of light, and Satan is a king, the king of the kingdom of darkness. Unfortunately, many Christians today - are in fact, ignorant of the Devil's devices, of how to discern good from evil, the profane from the holy, and what is and what isn't of God. Both kingdoms have order, and a hierarchy of authority and spheres of dominion that are not unlike what we find in an army or government here in the earth. Similar, but of course not the same. This short message is not meant to explain in detail the inner workings or structure of Satan's kingdom, or the Kingdom of Jesus Christ; but just a reminder that the war against good and evil is real, and is very structured on both fronts. We know who ultimately wins(Just flip to the back of your Bible and read the final pages), but for us who have to live today, in this fallen world - ours is a daily battle and to be honest - completely candid: WE DON'T ALWAYS WIN THE BATTLES WE FIGHT! When we stumble, we get back up. When we fall, we get back up. When we miss the mark, we ask God to forgive us and get back up! This short message is about fighting evil, demons and the devil - not with our hands, or our human strength or with any earthly weapons - NO, we have spiritual weapons that the weakest Christian can employ to overcome and destroy all the demons in hell - the devil himself! My prayer is that this message encourages you, and builds you up in your faith in God, and His word, and His many promises to us... OPENING THE DOOR TO DEMONS There is a great debate among Christians about whether a Christian can be "possessed" or not? Please know that what I'm sharing with you now, is not my case for or against either side of that argument. I have my own views, but this testimony is about "how a Christian can open the door to demons" - whether you call that "oppression" or "possession" is for you to ponder and ask God to show you. What I do know is this: Christians can be deceived, deluded, seduced by demonic spirits after coming to Christ, and they can open the door to demons and be tormented and afflicted in both their body,soul, and mind. The story I share here is real, and involved a close friend of mine who is a sincere Christian, and who became entangled with demons that had him in need of deliverance. *(I've changed his name to protect his identity) Tom worked with me at General Motors, and we became close enough for him to trust me with some very personal things he was experiencing. One day he disclosed how he was unable to stop looking at pornography, he said he just couldn't break away from it. He shared how he had xxx-rated magazines and movies in his house, and that he was spending a lot of time looking at them. He was hooked on pornography, and it was destroying him inside - you could hear the desperation in his voice and see the shame and torment in his eyes. Let me add, that Tom had a very attractive wife, and two children that he loved dearly. Tom, to my knowledge was a God fearing Christian, that went to church, loved his family; and was a very intelligent man in every way. His problem: HE HAD OPENED THE DOOR TO THE DEVIL. Tom had tried to meet with his pastor for prayer that Sunday, but was told to make an appointment with the church secretary to arrange for a meeting later that week. Tom left church that Sunday morning deeply distressed, and feeling he couldn't wait any longer - he needed to talk to someone immediately! Tom was now in a state of extreme duress and feeling hopeless and in desperate need of help. This sense of panic is very common with someone being harassed and terrorized by demons. There are many doors that we can open to invite evil and sin and demons into our life, our home, and even our church; but make no mistake - pornography is one of the most deadly and lethal doors to allow demons to attack you and your family/home/church! That pornography is epidemic in the world is not surprising, but that it is in many of today's churches and Christian homes is - more than most could imagine. I told Tom, you know God hates pornography, that you have to get it out of your home. You have to destroy it, you have to repent of this iniquity, and these sins; and ask God to forgive you and cleanse you. Tom readily agreed with me, but he admitted to me that he simply was not able to break completely away from his addiction and desire to look at pornographic materials. We both agreed, he needed deliverance - so we set up a time for him to come to a prayer meeting where a group of Christians would pray for him to be delivered and set free from this bondage and addiction to pornography. TEARING DOWN STRONGHOLDS 2 CO.10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;... We all gathered for this "deliverance prayer meeting" at my house. I remember there being about ten of us there that afternoon, and we all knew that something good was going to happen - we could sense the presence of God with us very strong. All of us knew that this was not going to be an ordinary prayer meeting, and that we were dealing with demons of lust, and evil spirits that had a friend of ours tormented and in need of a breakthrough. We anticipated a spiritual battle and within a few minutes the battle would begin. When Tom arrived, we opened the meeting with much prayer, and asked God to be with us and to lead and guide us in this prayer meeting. We had Tom sit in the center of the room, and then we openly discussed his addiction to pornography - there was nothing left in the dark. We told Tom, that he needed to openly confess and repent of these sins he had allowed into his life, and that he had been engaging in for many months. Tom cried out to God, and asked God to forgive him for all of the sins he had been involved with, and he was praying to God as we to prayed with him and for him at the same time. You could sense an intense evil presence in the room at the same time, there was a battle going on in Tom, and it was evident by the body language he was exhibiting and by the facial expressions he was making as we laid our hands on him. Some of us were praying in tongues, and others were simply praying in English as they felt led. This entire prayer time so far lasted probably around 30 to 45 minutes; I'm not sure because we were all so focused on praying intently for Tom. Suddenly, Tom began to cough repeatedly over and over again, and then began to choke. He coughed again, and then bolted from the room and ran to the hall bathroom where we could here him vomiting violently for several minutes. He was literally puking up foul spirits - he was being cleansed and set free by the power of prayer. Rebuking the spirits of lust in Jesus name, commanding them to leave Tom and to go in Jesus name had found it's mark! I don't remember every word, or everything that we did that afternoon; but I do distinctly remember when he came back out of that bathroom and looked at all of us: HE WAS AGLOW! Tom's face and countenance was radiant, and he was smiling and looked completely relaxed - like a different person than the one we had been praying for just minutes earlier. Whether Tom had demons in his mind, or in his body, was not important to him or us; but one thing was for sure: TOM WAS GOING HOME SET FREE FROM THE DEMONS OF LUST AND PERVERSION, that had him bound and in chains... ATTACKED BY DEMONS IN MY CAR 1 Peter 1:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Why demons attack people, especially Christians is not really difficult to understand. He loves to cause pain - both mental, physical, and emotional; and he loves killing, destroying, and stealing whenever and whatever he can, and as often as he can. I get that. The thing that is not so easy to figure out, or discern is: when he will attack, or when he won't attack? I've been a Christian for over 40 years, and involved with fighting demons on many fronts, but this one thing I've learned: THE DEVIL WILL ATTACK YOU WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT, AND WITHOUT MERCY!! I remember driving in my car, listening to a Christian music station, and was in a very upbeat mood. I was praising and singing to God as I recall, and really just in the presence of God when something very strange happened. I had the strongest urge to start cursing, to just begin to utter a bunch of profanity. It was so strong, so urgent and compelling that I found it hard to resist. I began to reason within myself, in my thoughts; I don't want to say these bad words - I don't want to utter these nasty, foul words... As I fought this battle within my mind, it was as if a voice was talking in my ear - GO AHEAD, SAY IT - CURSE, RELEASE THESE NASTY WORDS FROM YOUR MOUTH. I began to swear, to curse, and let a bunch of filthy language spew from my mouth. I remember being so upset with myself, feeling so dirty and guilty for having such terrible words come out of me - I WAS SICK IN MY SPIRIT. I began to ask God immediately to forgive me, to cleanse me and to help me. I was tempted to curse, and I yielded to the temptation and sinned greatly before God. After driving along and praying to God, and finally sensing that God had forgiven me and cleansed me according to His promise in: 1 John 1:9(KJV) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I asked God why He allowed me to be attacked like that, why demons could come against me in my own car, while I was praising Him and not doing anything sinful - while I was listening to Christian music and thinking godly thoughts? TO SHOW US HOW TO ENGAGE IN SPIRITUAL COMBAT Ephesians 6:10-11 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. That episode in my car with demons, not only shook me up that afternoon; it opened my eyes once again to the evil antics and attacks that demons are capable of. God was allowing me to see how demons operate, and how they can attack us with a hellish fury and without mercy. I learned that demons are heartless, ruthless, and will show you, me, no one any mercy when they attack. They hate us. I lost a battle that day in my car, but I learned some valuable lessons that have served me well in my walk here on earth, and in my ministry to others as one who knows the terror and horror of being under assault from demons. Compassion borne out of one's own experience battling demons, is a good thing when confronting evil and persons who are bound or tormented by demons or the devil himself. Some Final Thoughts... If some of this seems strange to you, that's because it is. If nothing like this has ever happened to you, or anyone you know, that's okay; to be honest it isn't what most of us experience in a typical day - we'd go off the deep if it was. God only allows us to experience what He knows is for our good, and for a good reason. If I didn't believe that - I would be on edge and looking for a demon behind every bush. No, I've learned that as Christians we are in a spiritual battle everyday whether we know it or not, or whether we participate or not. Believe me, if you don't fight the devil and the demons that are determined to kill, destroy, and rob you of everything God has given you including your very breath - you are in for a serious whipping! If you're a lazy Christian, someone who doesn't study or read the scriptures, doesn't pray or fellowship regularly; and doesn't witness or share your faith with others - you probably won't be in many spiritual battles; at least not when it's for the benefit of others. The devil may beat up on you and your family(he hates and attacks all human beings), but please know that the devil is not going to waste any more resources than necessary on anyone who poses little or no threat to him and his kingdom of darkness. Go out and proclaim the gospel, heal and cast out demons in Jesus name, or go out and share your personal testimony with others - AND WATCH OUT! Now you are a troublemaker, you're a threat to all Satan stands for, for all he represents... The more you are engaged in promoting God's interests in the earth, the more you can expect to be attacked by demons. That is really not hard to understand, it's very logical if you think about it. We have two choices as I see it: Be warriors of faith for Jesus Christ in His glorious army of salvation and truth, with all that comes with that including the many battles with demons that we will surely face. Or, we can try to coast by, limp to the finish line - doing little for God or our fellow man, and hope and pray that we have few spiritual battles to endure before we cross over and enjoy all the glories and wonders of heaven that await us. Now, I ask you - are you a warrior, or a worrier? Blessings to all/michael/fool4CHRIST You may read all four parts to CASTING OUT DEMONS, by going to my blog: COMING FACE TO FACE WITH DEMONS Luke 4:35 “Be quiet!” Jesus said sternly. “Come out of him!” Then the demon threw the man down before them all and came out without injuring him. Matthew 8:16 When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. A TYPICAL DAY WITH JESUS... An average day with Jesus going from village to village was anything but boring or normal by any one's measure to be sure. Casting out demons, healing lepers, the blind, the crippled, and doing more good in an hour than most of us will do in a lifetime was not unusual for this son of a carpenter. His very first day of "official ministry" in His hometown of Nazareth, where He stood and read from Isaiah, chapter 61, verses 1-3, ended with those hearing Christ proclaim Himself to be the "Messiah" - the very One that Isaiah had prophesied about, being more than they could take. In a frenzy of seething rage they hurried to escort him to a cliff where they could hurl him to His death for uttering such blasphemous assertions! Imagine your first day of ministry beginning with such deep offenses and threats being leveled against you. I've thought about Jesus first day of announcing His earthly ministry many, many times - and it still shakes me to the bone. And, this was just His first day on the job - Wow! Today, following most modern day ministers of the gospel, would seem rather tame and unlike the ministry of Jesus and the early followers of Christ. Why? Because, instead of miracles, signs and wonders, and the power of God being manifested we would probably see a nice illuminated sign in front of a big church with the words: Chicken dinner this Sunday afternoon/everyone is welcome. Hey, I like chicken as much as anyone, but honestly it is no substitute for going out and seeking the lost and hurting souls that are most likely not going to be at this weekend's Chicken Dinner... Would you be surprised if you witnessed an honest to God miracle sign or wonder this Sunday at your church? Yes, I'm convinced as a church we have gotten away from the basics of the faith, and that includes "casting out demons", and healing the sick through the power of prayer and fasting. When going to church becomes a place where no one present expects to see God's power -no miracles, no signs, no wonders - no one being healed, no one being set free from demonic spirits and the evil oppression of the devil; WE ARE IN A VERY DANGEROUS PLACE AS CHRISTIANS! If you're afraid of having God "interrupt your predictable and carefully scripted" church services, and are uncomfortable with the idea of God doing amazing and awe inspiring things in your presence - you might find my story of having to confront and cast out demons a little unsettling. Just keep in mind, that for Jesus and the disciples, it was just another normal part of their ministry to people... really. 3 DAYS WITH A WOMAN DEMON POSSESSED Let me first begin, by letting you know that I do not have a fascination with demons, the devil, or evil. I hate horror movies and avoid them like the plague. I have never watched the movie the "EXORCIST" in it's entirety, as it is too creepy for me, I kid you not. Truthfully, I have an aversion to everything that is on the "dark side" of Christianity, and I attribute that to the Holy Spirit in me and the changes God has affected in me since coming to Christ. I share that so you will know that I did not go seeking for a confrontation with demons or the devil; as a new Christian my life was busy with just trying to grow by reading the Bible, going to church regularly, and being active in various ministries in and outside of the local church. What happened to me, less than a year earlier as new Christian was to change my life forever, and my view of sin, evil, and demons. In my last blog, I shared how God had allowed me to be attacked by demons in my bedroom, and how I was able to gain the victory by simply exercising my faith in the name of Jesus. As I thought the name Jesus in my mind, and then began to speak out loud the name of Jesus to the demons who were attacking me - experienced compete peace and victory over the demons assaulting me. This earlier battle had taught me many things, and built my faith up significantly. Now, I was about to face demons face to face, in a battle that was to test me and several other Christians to the utmost degree... (this all took place sometime in 1973) THE BATTLE BEGINS... I can't remember exactly how this whole episode began, but I can tell you it involved some Christians I knew very well, who were going to the same church as me. They were new believers in Christ, and very involved in our church; we all were on fire for God and talking about the Bible, Jesus Christ, really - anything to do with Christianity was really the center of our lives at that time. There came a day when this couple, who had several children; called me and informed me that a family member, a woman they were related to was at their home and that she was acting very - very strange. They sensed that she was in need of prayer, and deliverance - though they knew very little at that time about how to engage in anything like that. I headed over to their home not knowing what to expect, but having a sense that I was about to confront something or someone very evil. That proved to be true. I was not ready for what about to happen in the next three days - this was going be a confrontation with unspeakable evil and darkness that none of us could have imagined. Upon my arrival, I found this Christian couple, praying for this *woman who was seated in a chair, with both of them praying quietly over her. They were praying in English(their native tongue), and also in the spiritual gift of tongues, that is listed in the Book of Acts, and in Paul's letters to the Corinthians,etc. I observed that this woman was making facial contortions, which twisted her face all out of sorts -and that she was cursing and making whispering sounds as well as muttering sounds. It was obvious that this woman was deranged by normal standards of observation; her eyes, face, and body language all gave evidence that this woman was mentally unstable, and not in control of her speech or her body's movements. This prayer went on for hours - with the most bizarre manifestations I had ever witnessed in a person, especially at this close proximity to them. I was literally face to face with this woman, whose eyes would glare at you - piecing right through you to the core of you very being and soul! This was very frightening and stressful, and I sensed this was not going to be over quickly. THE MIND GAMES AND DEMONIC PLOYS... This was not something anyone of us present were experienced with, so we called in some Spirit filled pastors to assist us and give us their assessment of what we were dealing with. Two Assembly of God ministers came to the home of this couple and prayed for this woman, and were convinced that we were in fact dealing with a "possessed woman" with many powerful demons tormenting her. We were already in our 2nd day of prayer and fasting, and we had the children removed from the home to ensure that they were not involved or adversely affected by this ensuing battle we were engaged in. We had take time off from our jobs so we could pray around the clock, but our flesh and emotions were beginning to show the signs of fatigue and there was a sense that we might not win this battle. We had many people praying for us and this woman; but as time dragged on we were becoming less and less effective in battling with these demons. We were doing our best to win this battle, but I will admit our faith was shaky at best, this was evil beyond anything I had ever confronted; worse - far worse than the demons of "fear" that had attacked me just months earlier in my bedroom at my sister's house where I had been staying. I knew this was actually happening, but it seemed like a very bad dream, a horrible nightmare - but we all knew that what was happening was actually happening to us - to her. We were committed to seeing this through to the end, but honestly - our bodies were already feeling the strain and stress of being in the presence of such intense evil for hours, and now days... The woman we were praying for would act completely normal and tell us she was okay, that we could let her go; but we knew she was not telling the truth; and when told to tell the truth in "Jesus name" - she would scream and begin to curse and shout at us with all her strength. She tried to claw us, scratch us, and her voice would change to a low beastly growl that can only be described as beyond anything I had ever heard in my life at that time. There was a smell, a foul, ghastly - odor that came out of this woman's mouth that was enough to make you vomit. At this point the demons were challenging us with many words, and taunting us; somehow knowing we were very new at this - and sensing we were afraid and not in control. I had learned from my earlier battles with demons, that demons can sense "fear" in a person, not unlike a dog or animal can; and they will pounce on you if they think you're afraid or fearful. I refused to be afraid. I would rebuke and command the demons to shut up and to be quiet in the name of Jesus. This would work for a short time, and then the demons would begin to talk again, or try to physically attack one or more of us. We cast many demons out of this woman, how many I'm not sure but we finally realized that the most powerful demons in this woman were religious spirits and very knowledgeable and prideful. They would quote scriptures back to us and remind us that they were around when Jesus walked the earth, that they knew the Bible better than we did. They were most cunning and intimidating in their ploys to engage in conversation with us. We were now exhausted, and becoming increasingly more and more mentally drained and ill equipped to keep this fight going much longer. The remaining demons, or "demon" simply refused to exit or come out of this woman and though we had experience partial victory in casting many demons out of this poor tormented soul - it was becoming increasing clear that we might not be able to rid this woman of this unwelcome intruder. Later, we were to find out that this "religious spirit" was not unwelcome, but had probably been invited in to this woman's life - which is what "seducing spirits" do by the way. How these demons, any demons for that matter enter a person, or gain access to someone's body - is not what I'm attempting to explain here - that is a lengthy and complicated message in itself. This testimony is not about "how" this poor woman became possessed and under the control of demons; but how a few new Christians dealt with someone in need of deliverance on short notice... THE BATTLE ENDS... By the third day, we were spiritually, physically, and mentally spent - we knew we could no longer continue our around the clock "prayer and fasting" vigil/intercession for this woman. We realized that though we had experienced some victory over the demons that had tormented this woman, and had in fact cast many of them out of her. The most powerful of the demons, we sadly - were not able to force out of her. We ended up having to commit this woman temporarily to a mental ward, where she was later released and went on to lead a very normal life and serve God and attend church regularly. We felt defeated at that point, but God in His mercy showered us with a baptism of "joy and laughter", that all of us experienced immediately after we had this woman put in a facility where she could be cared for. God knew we had done all we could do for this woman, and He would do the rest as we prayed and continued to intercede for her; which we all did. I believe this woman eventually was freed from the remaining demons - through the prayers and intercession on her behalf long after our 3 day battle had come to an end. Later, God revealed that this woman did not want to let go of this demonic spirit of "pride" that she had. She refused at that time to relinquish or let go of this demon's control over her. That may sound strange to you and me, but then again this entire confrontation with demons and evil is not really everyday stuff - is it? When we got down to the controlling spirit, the "strongman" in this case - we could not force it out. I believe we could have, if we were stronger in the Lord at that time. We were all baby Christians, and looking back now I realize that we were lacking in not only experience and knowledge of the scriptures, but we were also weak in our new Christian faith. We didn't win the battle entirely as we should have, but we did fight valiantly and we learned many lessons about spiritual warfare that you can't learn from simply reading a book. The next time, should the occasion arise - all of us would be better prepared to deliver anyone whom we might find in need of prayer and deliverance... SOME FINAL THOUGHTS Why God allowed a few new Christian believers, who had no real experience casting out demons, or confronting evil to go through what we experienced those three days is something I've pondered often. I believe it was because we were willing to help a woman tormented by demons, in need of deliverance. I also believe it's because we all believed that the things we were reading in the Bible that Jesus did, and that the early apostles and disciples were doing in the Book of Acts and the New Testament were still for us as believers today. That being said, I must admit - God probably could have chosen more qualified believers if He wanted to. In the end, I also believe it was so we could gain valuable experience that we could use in later battles with evil and demons as we went on in our Christian walk with God down here on earth. This much I do know, the devil, demons, and evil are real, very real.But the Lord Jesus Christ is greater than the devil, and all the demons in hell! Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Jesus did not leave us here to watch people suffer or be tormented and oppressed by demons or evil. He has given us every spiritual weapon to overcome all the devices and schemes of Satan and to destroy and tear down every wicked stronghold in Jesus name. He promised that we would do "greater works than He did", because He was going to our Father in heaven. Does that sound like you or me today? Does that sound like the church you or I attend now? I pray we rise up and begin to do great exploits for our King. Let us believe God still can and does do miracles, signs and wonders; and let us reach out to those bound in chains of addiction or under the curse of sin and iniquities with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Dare to believe God, His word, His promises - step out in faith and watch God do miracles and wonders before your very eyes! God is waiting for you and me to simply go out and do what He said to do. NOW LET'S GO! 1 John 4:4 (KJV)4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. Matthew 10:8 (NKJV) 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,[a] cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. Blessings to all/michael/fool4CHRIST *Note - for the sake of this family's privacy, I've not given their names... also, the title: 3 DAYS WITH THE DEVIL, does not mean I was with Satan himself, but a reference to being in the presence of "his structure/kingdom of darkness" first hand, up close - and with some of his many "powers and rulers of darkness"... see Eph.6:12 (TO SHARE THIS TESTIMONY/JUST COPY AND PASTE MY LINK TO MY BLOG, AND SHARE WITH FAMILY/FRIENDS,etc) WHERE ARE THE "SIGNS" TODAY? Mark 16:17-18 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Today, many Christians no longer believe in miracles, signs, and wonders; at least not anymore. I recently was rebuked and called a false teacher for believing what Jesus told His followers just prior to His ascension into Heaven. This crusader of "unbelief " - teaches against the very words of Christ and promotes the lie that: the gifts of the Holy Spirit, miracles, signs, and wonders, and all other supernatural manifestations found throughout the Book of Acts, and the New Testament no longer exist. Hmm, that is some serious theological commentary on his part - and way over my head. I'm just naive and simple enough to believe God meant what He said, and that the signs Jesus spoke of above in Mark 16:17 - will still follow those who believe.The irony, is he purports to be an expert in "exposing cults, heresies, and false teachers" in the Body of Christ. Talk about the fox in the hen-house protecting the chickens - Irony of ironies ! I know it's easier to not believe, (that takes no faith whatsoever), but to actually teach against something Jesus taught is a scary thing for anyone to do... the next logical step in denying the validity and truth of what Christ taught, and what the scriptures clearly teach us is to attribute the gifts and manifestations of The Holy Spirit to the devil! That dear friends - is blasphemy. Be very careful, very cautious before you renounce the words of Jesus as being null and void today... that would be a tragic mistake. UNBELIEVING "BELIEVERS" / no faith = no signs following You will not see signs, wonders, or miracles if you do not believe what Jesus says. Those manifestations are for those who "believe". When a person chooses to not believe, or cannot believe in the words of Christ - they have chosen to live in a world where God will not display His supernatural power and majesty... Signs follow believers not "unbelievers". God doesn't reward unbelief, nor is He pleased by it. I'm convinced that Jesus would not do many mighty works today in many of our churches because of one thing - and that is: UNBELIEF! Today, unfortunately - we have a whole generation of church goers who are camped out in a "dead zone", where you don't need faith to serve God, at least not as we read about in the Book of Acts, or Hebrews. Nope - we now have vast hordes of "unbelieving believers"; an oxymoron of epic proportions if you stop and think about it. If it weren't so pitifully sad and tragic, it would be funny. IT'S NOT. To not believe God still does miracles, signs, and wonders is to me a gigantic slap in the face of God. Many will tell you: NO GOD DOESN'T DO THOSE THINGS ANYMORE. I pray you aren't camped out in that place of unbelief, death, and disobedience... Matthew 13:58 Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. Mark 6:6 And He marveled because of their unbelief. Then He went about the villages in a circuit, teaching. Mark 16:14 Later He appeared to the eleven as they sat at the table; and He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen. We never see Jesus rebuking or reproving anyone for "believing" in miracles, or the supernatural. Again, let me repeat this truth: We never see Christ rebuking or correcting anyone who is exercising "faith" in God, His words, or in Christ - Himself! On the contrary, we find Jesus sternly rebuking those who refused to believe or have faith when they had every reason for exhibiting faith. If it is hard to have faith when God is right there in front of your very eyes - doing signs, and miracles - then it must be impossible to have faith in His absence. The point of what I'm saying is this: Without faith, you will never see signs following you - or your ministry; that is solely the domain of those who "believe". The most uneducated man or woman in any church can witness great and marvelous miracles, signs, and wonders if they are just foolish enough to take Jesus at His word. I do - do you? MY FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH DEMONS After surrendering my life to Christ, and leaving my old life of living as a rock-and-roll musician just drifting from one bad experience to another - I finally found really meaning in my life. I moved out of the dope house I was living in, and moved in with my sister Bobbi, and her husband who had recently become Christians and were both going to church regularly and on fire for God. My appetite for the bible and spiritual things was insatiable - really. I was attending church as often as I could, and reading the Bible and other spiritual books and literature whenever I had time to do so. Although I was a baby Christian, there was no doubt that God was stretching and shaping me into a completely different person from who I was before coming to Christ. It was truly amazing what God was doing inside of me! The room I was given to use as a bedroom was a strange room by anyone's standards. It had been their "get high" party room, and they had painted it completely black, with the windows completely covered and there was still dark light posters up when I moved in. With the light turned out, you couldn't see anything at all - not even your hand if you held it up two inches from your eyes. It was black, and so dark that it would make most people uncomfortable I'm quite certain. Oh, and did I fail to mention that this room was in their basement, so late at night it was also very quiet ; you could hear every sound in the house it seemed. I'm not afraid of the dark, so it really didn't bother me that much, though I had this creepy feeling that the room was too dark and needed to be brighter - and I planned to change the color and atmosphere of the room as soon as I had some free time. ATTACKED BY DEMONS... I remember coming home that evening very late, at the time I was working two jobs and was saving to go to Bible college. I undressed for bed, and after putting a few things away I turned out the light by pulling the string, and climbed into bed exhausted. After laying there for only a few minutes, I sensed something was in the room with me - it's hard to describe in words because I couldn't see a thing, but I felt a very evil presence near me. I've only been really scared a few times in my life, but never have I experienced such horrible fear and terror as I did lying there in my bed that evening. The best way to describe what was happening to me is to picture a bottle of "black ink" being poured into a bucket of water. I was literally "scared stiff". As I lay there trying to reason with myself, and figure out what was really happening to me; I realized that I couldn't move - I was literally paralyzed with fear - fear that is beyond anything I had ever experienced before in my life. I've been scared many times, and knew what fear felt like, but nothing like what was happening to me then. I realized I couldn't move , I couldn't speak, I couldn't move my tongue or my lips - I was scared stiff, scared beyond anything I had ever known or could imagine! Laying there, completely frozen with indescribable fear, I could feel this evil presence - this thing that I couldn't see; move right next to me and then I heard a whisper - a voice speak directly into my ear: THIS ROOM IS OURS - WE AREN'T GOING TO GIVE IT UP. THE NAME OF JESUS... Being a new Christian, and unaccustomed to any kind of real spiritual warfare, I was not really sure what I could do; or if there was anything I could do at that moment. I started to panic, and was almost overwhelmed with a sense of complete hopelessness and despair; and at the same time there was a inky blackness that was enveloping my entire body that can only be described as being wrapped tightly like a mummy, or someone being buried alive - really, it was that horrible. In a flash, in a moment's time - I felt the urge, the need to think the name of Jesus in my mind. My body was paralyzed, my mouth couldn't move no matter how hard I tried - but my mind was still free - barely. I remember thinking: JESUS, JESUS, JESUS... BAM!! Like a bolt of electricity shooting through my body, I was free. I jumped up out of my bed, and turned on the light. The sheer joy of being able to move freely, and to not feel terrified or scared was exhilarating and my soul was filled with thanksgiving to God for not letting me suffer or be tormented any longer. The entire episode only lasted less than five minutes probably, but it seemed like a very very long time as I endured it in the dark. I began to shout out loud; "I rebuke you Satan, I command you demons to go in the name of Jesus!" I'm sure my words were not exactly right, and sounded like they were coming from a "freshman" believer - they were; but make no mistake: THE DEMONS HEARD ME LOUD AND CLEAR! Unfortunately, so did my sister and brother -in-law as well; they opened the clothes chute, and my sister wanted to know, "What's going on down there Mickey?" I told her that I had just been attacked by demons, and she calmly told me to go back to sleep that they had to get up in the morning, or words to that effect. THEY DON'T WANT TO LEAVE... After calming down, and praying over every inch of my bedroom; I decided it was time to try and get some sleep. I turned out the light once again, and crawled back under the covers and began to try and fall asleep. Within a few minutes, I once again felt this eerie - creepy presence move up next to the side of my bed, and speak clearly into my ear: "We'll leave you alone, but this room is ours - we're not giving it up." I was not terrified this time, I was mad and confident that "in the name of Jesus", I had power over these demons. I jumped out of my bed and turned on the light, then I began to rebuke and command the demons to leave in Jesus' name. I must have prayed out loud for at least 3 or 4 minutes before I heard my sister calling out to me again, "Mickey, what's going on down there?" After explaining that I was fighting with some demons over the room that they didn't want to surrender - we both agreed enough was enough and went back to bed... I slept good after that - very good. Although my experience with these demons wasn't a typical "casting out demons", in that it was a "room" and not a human body or animal as is the case in the scriptures; it was nevertheless very real - and taught me many valuable lessons. Later that same year, I would be face to face with a person possessed with many evil spirits, and would be more prepared for what would prove to be a most horrific battle with very powerful demons. I will share that confrontation with very powerful and stubborn demon spirits in my next message, but let me close now with some things God taught me about spiritual warfare, and the authority we as believers have over the devil, demons, and evil. We have nothing to fear, we have every weapon we need to not only defeat the devil and the demons who do his bidding; but we can have demons and the devil himself tremble and shake with fear when he sees us coming. FINAL THOUGHTS... There is so much power, so much anointing in the name of Jesus - that if a Christian had nothing but "faith in the name of Jesus", he or she would be more than a match for the devil and all the demons in hell! My terrifying confrontation with demons in my sister's basement, in a room black as the deepest cave one can imagine taught me to revere and hold in the highest esteem the mighty name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Demons like darkness - that was something I learned very well, but they couldn't claim that bedroom as their own - they had to go in the "name of Jesus". I changed the room, and removed everything that was connected with it's sinful past. We as Christians have many powerful weapons at our disposal, the word of God, the power of prayer and fasting, and anointed music and songs; but please know that the name of Jesus, when spoken in faith - is all the power and might you will ever need to put to flight a legion of demons - the devil himself. Blessings to all/michael/fool4CHRIST p.s. My next message/blog/Pt.3 - will be my involvement with casting demons of a woman severely tormented and bound by Satan (to share my blog, just send this link: Luke 9:1 (KJV) 9 Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. Luke 10:17 (KJV) 17 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. CASTING OUT DEMONS Mark 16:17 KJV 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; Luke 10:17 NIV 17 The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.” * Note - see "definition" of demon from the original Greek, below... THE GREAT VOID... Today, in the modern 21st century world of Christianity - the idea of "miracles, signs, and wonders" are sadly; something we have to read about in the Bible; or we may not hear or experience it in the churches and denominations we attend or are part of. That is a fact. If there is a void, or area in the modern church that is seldom mentioned anymore(at least not from the pulpits), that is the subject of "casting out demons" or "evil spirits"... The strange thing is - The Bible, especially the New Testament is replete and filled with numerous examples of Jesus Christ himself, as well as his disciples and other followers casting out demons as a normal and very ordinary part of their everyday ministry. Finding a church, a ministry or minister that believes Jesus words above found in Mark 16:17, that "in my name shall cast out devils"; is extremely hard to do. That begs the question: Where have all the demons gone to? Why are so few churches and ministers today not teaching/preaching and doing what Jesus clearly expected his followers to do when He left His disciples behind to take care of His church? One would think that this great "silence" on the subject of demons and casting them out of people, means that they are no longer around - no longer something to concern ourselves with as believers. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! Okay, I admit talking about the devil, demons, and evil spirits is not a pleasant topic, especially when delivered from the pulpit; but that doesn't excuse churches and preachers for not doing what the early church did on an ongoing basis: CASTING DEMONS OUT OF PEOPLE! There I said it. I hope the "thought police" in the church today don't come and confiscate my computer... Seriously, when is the last time you heard a minister teach or preach, or actually engage in the area of "casting out demons"? Love, hope, and faith messages abound, and that's all good and fine. But, when people come into the House of God tormented by demons, depressed and oppressed of the devil, and no one notices or discerns that's going on - we as a church are in big trouble. WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE DEMONS? To look around at the Christian Church today(especially here in the West), you would think that demons and evil spirits are no longer a problem; they must have been eradicated and taken care of long ago by the early Christians. Nice thought, but not the right answer. Nope, just watch the evening news, or pick up any newspaper or News mag, like Time or Newsweek, and you'll find horrid stories of "school and mall massacres", and even worse that most of us have become numb to and sadly - unmoved by. Killing on a mass scale, with body counts of more than 2 or 3 are the norm, and if not, they might not even make the news. That we've become accustomed to these kind of incomprehensible acts of murder and torture is deplorable, but the fact that we as Christians are slow or unable to discern the "demons behind most" of these horrific acts is inexcusable... The devil is having a field day killing, maiming, and destroying lives wholesale, and most Christians act clueless as to who or what is really perpetrating these iniquitous crimes against us as humans. John 10:10 NIV 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Ephesians 6:12 NIV 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. When we as Christians fail to recognize the face of evil, when it is right before our eyes, staring us in the eyes; we are allowing evil to flourish, and permitting the devil and his legion of demons to kill and torment unsuspecting persons without a struggle or any resistance. The demons are still here, still tormenting poor unsuspecting souls throughout the earth - still destroying homes, families, and lives in large numbers that are incalculable if one were to try to count them. Not all people doing evil, or who are evil have a demon, or are possessed, but make no mistake - many persons walking around today are possessed and many others are "oppressed" by demon spirits. When the modern church fails to recognize or believe in the devil, demons, and the existence of "evil" as it is described in the Bible - we have abandoned the Christian faith that Jesus taught, and that the early disciples and church fathers lived and handed down to their congregations and local churches. A REAL DEVIL, REAL DEMONS, AND REAL EVIL It has been said, the two objectives of the devil are this: First, to convince people there isn't a "God", at least not the God of the Bible, the One true God from whom all things derive and have come into being, and that includes belief in His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. And, secondly - that there is no devil, no real Satan of the Bible, who is out to take anyone and everyone to hell. The "evil one" who opposes everything God stands for, everything good - everything that we have learned about good and evil in the Bible. To do this, the devil has learned that debunking and discrediting the scriptures, and the Bible as a whole is the surest and best way to accomplish those two things with one shadowy sweep of his hand. That being said, if you want to know what God thinks about evil, the devil, and demons - you have to first go to the scriptures, and there we will find exactly what we need to know about these 3 subjects that are behind all of mankind's ills. From sickness, to the most vile and wicked acts of depravity and perverseness - we find the devil's "fingerprints" are all over the place. Read what these scriptures have to day about the devil, demons, and evil. We won't attempt to cast out devils if we don't believe in them. We won't be able to free anyone from evil if we fail to discern what it is, and who's behind it - who's really responsible for the "death, destruction, and evil" all around us. We are surrounded by many persons who need to be delivered from darkness, from their addictions, and from the strongholds of Satan that keep them bound and unable to be free. Recognizing evil, discerning who and what is causing it, and being able to confront it and overcome it through the spiritual weapons Christ has given us - is our duty, a "holy command" - that may mean the difference between life or death for those we come in contact with.The only thing worse than not believing in a literal devil, demons, and evil - would be to "believe" in the devil, demons, and evil - and do nothing to oppose and destroy them! Matthew 6:13 NIV 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. 1 John 3:8 NKJV 8 He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. Matthew 8:16 NIV When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. FINAL THOUGHTS - You don't have to look for demons, they'll look for you. You don't have to believe in demons or the devil, he hopes you don't. The simple truth is, if you pose little or no threat to the devil, and his kingdom - he will not expend any more energy or resources than needed. The devil is many things; but wasting his time on lazy or unbelieving Christians is not something he is going to waste time doing. If the "signs" that Jesus spoke of in Mark 16, verses 16-18, aren't manifesting in the church today - we may rightly say then the reverse: These signs won't follow them that don't believe, right? Where we see no miracles, no signs or wonders - little or nothing out of the ordinary; when the supernatural manifestations of God are only found in your bible text - we may rightly conclude: We have stopped believing the words of Jesus Christ. When the "signs" that Jesus spoke of are not manifesting, it's a sure sign that something is missing... I'm not proposing we go on a "do you have a demon" campaign, and go out looking for demons to cast out. No, I'm simply saying this: Let's believe what Jesus said, and expect to do what He expects us to be doing. The "signs" of casting out demons, and having people "healed" by the laying on of hands - is still God's desire, still God's will for us as Christians. Let us not be afraid to confront evil, to cast out devils, or to lay our hands on the sick. I believe the "signs" that Jesus spoke of, are still for us today. The only question is: DO YOU? TO BE CONTINUED... Blessings to all/michael/fool4CHRIST p.s. next, I'll share about my experiences with confronting and casting out demons as a new believer/Christian VINE'S EXPOSITORY GREEK BIBLE:DEMON <A-2,Noun,1140,daimonion> not a diminutive of daimon, No. 1, but the neuter of the adjective daimonios, pertaining to a demon, is also mistranslated "devil," "devils." In Acts 17:18, it denotes an inferior pagan deity. "Demons" are the spiritual agents acting in all idolatry. The idol itself is nothing, but every idol has a "demon" associated with it who induces idolatry, with its worship and sacrifices, 1 Cor. 10:20,21; Rev. 9:20; cp. Deut. 32:17; Isa. 13:21; 34:14; 65:3,11. They disseminate errors among men, and seek to seduce believers, 1 Tim. 4:1. As seducing spirits they deceive men into the supposition that through mediums (those who have "familiar spirits," Lev. 20:6,27, e.g.) they can converse with deceased human beings. Hence the destructive deception of spiritism, forbidden in Scripture, Lev. 19:31; Deut. 18:11; Isa. 8:19. "Demons" tremble before God, Jas. 2:19; they recognized Christ as Lord and as their future Judge, Matt. 8:29; Luke 4:41. Christ cast them out of human beings by His own power. His disciples did so in His name, and by exercising faith, e.g., Matt. 17:20. MY ESCAPE FROM SCIENTOLOGY (My testimony/Michael D'Aigle) THE CONCLUSION/parts 1,2,3 are below THE NEXT STEPS... The next part of my journey after exiting Scientology is really in some ways a blur in my mind. Why? Because it took me a while to shake off the terrible effects this experience had on my psyche and emotions. Although I was free of the awful sense of being trapped and enslaved by Scientology, I was not yet a Christian - nor was I free from my sins... Strange as it may seem to some reading this, after all God had done for me in allowing to find the strength to walk away from this devilish nightmare; I had yet to give my life to Jesus Christ - or ask Him to be my personal Savior. I was so engrossed and consumed with just getting free from Scientology - that having a personal relationship with God was sadly not what I was seeking for. Like so many who turn to God in their moment or hour of crisis or personal tragedy; I was seeking God not for a relationship, but for His help in freeing me from my personal dilemma with escaping Scientology. God being ever merciful, He rescued me ever so graciously - but now I was being chased by God to go to the next step. The Holy Spirit is relentless in His persistence and tenacious pursuit of the sinner - and, I'm happy to say He was soon to capture my heart, soul, and entire being with the Good News of Jesus Christ's death and resurrection from the dead! I moved in with my mother, and was studying the Bible daily and praying and thinking about God much of the time. Although I was now free from my involvement with Scientology - in the back of my mind was this gnawing fear that my contract with Scientology was looming over my head like a dark cloud of impending doom. Really. Sooner or later I figured I would hear from the Org., and there would be a confrontation - a legal reckoning with the lawyers or persons representing Scientology about my signed agreement to be a staff member for a period of five years. That bridge would be crossed months later; but at the time I was focused on simply getting my life back on track - and finding my way in the world as a confused and troubled young man. I was free from Scientology, but now I was drifting from day to day without a real plan or vision for my future... JESUS AS SAVIOR... Sometime during my brief stay with my mom, I asked Jesus Christ to be my Savior and to come into my life. He did, and things began to change. I remember kneeling down in my mom's kitchen, and while Billy Graham was giving the altar call, I prayed for Jesus to forgive me of my sins and to change my life. I got up a new person, a new creation; but there was one big problem. I knew nothing about "following Jesus", and even less about letting Jesus Christ be the Lord of my life; and though I was now saved - there were lots of twists and turns up ahead - before I would settle down and become stable and mature in my relationship with the Lord. After staying at my mom's place for a while, I moved out and into a house with a bunch of stoned out musicians, and once again began my life as a "rock musician" living and breathing a life of excess and endless "jamming" and partying. For me, this was as natural as a fish in water - it seemed I just couldn't shake my affinity for the "wild side" of things - especially when it came to girls, rock-and-roll, and drugs. I knew God had set me free, and that my sins had been forgiven months earlier when I prayed for Jesus to save me; but I had yet to submit to the Lordship of Christ, and I was still doing things my way. The band I was with, LOOSE GOOSE (believe me - we were loose), was doing pretty well and we were now at the point where we were going to meet with a man who could open doors for us as an opening act and more - or so we hoped. Just before we were to have our big "audition/break" with this big shot from the secular music realm , I had an unexpected visit from my sister Bobbi. JESUS AS LORD... I hear a knock on the door, it's early in the afternoon - and I'm thinking if I wait long enough they'll go away. I wasn't ready to get up and meet or greet anyone, those days I stayed up late and jammed/partied till the wee hours of the morn, and my brain wasn't ready for an encounter with anyone. The knocking would not stop, so I trudged to the door, and low and behold it's my big sister, Bobbi and she is all aglow from head to toe - she looked radiant, beautiful - she looked like an angel to my tired eyes. After coming in, she began to tell me how she and her husband, Terry were saved, and now serving God and going to church. She shared how her life of drugs and infidelity to her husband, and all the dark things in her life were now gone - over! She told me that her church was having a revival, and that she wanted me to go that night. I told her that even if I wanted to go, our band had an important meeting that evening with an agent and our audition was all set in motion. I remember telling her that the only way I could go is if it was a miracle, because it was too late to cancel our meeting/audition. She left after praying with me, and my heart was racing, and my spirit was stirring - I could sense that in the spirit realm - there was something going on that was beyond me - beyond what I could comprehend or understand... The Holy Spirit was at work behind the scenes setting things in motion that would change me forever. A few minutes later, the phone rang. Our keyboardist called and said he had slammed his hand with a car door, and wouldn't be able to do the audition. Not being deterred, the band decided that we could still do the audition with the remaining members of the band. A few minutes after that, a call came that the agent had cancelled our audition for that night and now my evening was free and cleared for me to go the revival at my sister's church. I called her, and with a sense that something important was about to happen - I told Bobbi - "things have changed, I'm going to be able to go with you tonight to the revival" I went to church that night, and when the time came to surrender your life to Christ, to give yourself wholly to God - I went forward and knelt down at the altar. My sister says I prayed for probably 2 hours, and all I remember is that there was a raging battle in my soul going on. God told me clearly two things: First, I had to forgive my father for putting me out into the street at the age of 17 to fend for myself, which I had not forgiven him for. Secondly, the Lord told me that I had to give up my idol / Rock music and leave it behind forever. When I rose to my feet, there must have been 40 to 50 people who were still there praying for me. That night, I was set free, really free in the deepest parts of my being - God was showing me that there were things in my heart, in my life that had to be repented of - given to Him if I was to be truly free - really a Christian following Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of my life. From that night on, I have never looked back. I quit the band immediately, left my life of drugs, illicit sex, and involvement with secular music and moved in with my sister and brother-in-law, and began to attend church and bible studies regularly. I helped open the 1st Christian coffeehouse in Flint/THE LIGHTROOM, with an amazing couple, Rich and Mary Gletzner; and was singing and sharing my testimony on the street, in churches, and wherever God opened a door. It was at this time of my life, sometime in 1973 during the early days of the Jesus Movement that swept across America that the shadow of Scientology once again fell over my life unexpected and with little warning... THE FINAL CONFRONTATION... As one of the directors of The Lightroom, it was my regular task to go down to the coffeehouse and open it up, and oversee it's daily operation. That was having local Christian artists sing and minister in the evenings, send out people to hand out tracts and witness on the streets and in the parks; and to counsel/pray, and teach new believers the bible and also to answer the phone as needed. On an ordinary day at the coffeehouse, two men entered the Coffeehouse and were looking for me. They came in looking like the mafia(I'm not kidding - trench coats and dressed up). They told me that they were there to take me back to Detroit, and that I was under contract; and that I wasn't legally able to just walk away like I had done, and that they were there to escort me back to the Org in Detroit. I was ready for them, and told those there with me to begin to pray for me, and then I turned my attention to two men who were very intimidating ready to escort me out to their vehicle and back to Detroit. I explained to them that I was now a Christian, and that I wasn't going anywhere with them. With our eyes locked on each other, and standing face to face in this tense game of "who's going to blink"; I began to tell them how I had forged my father's signature on the contract(which was true), and that under the laws of the state of Michigan - that contract wasn't legally binding. They stared at me in disbelief, in silence and with puzzled expressions on their faces; then left as quickly as they had come into the building. That day, that afternoon - I knew in my heart that my long battle with the evil and sinister demons of Scientology was over. The joy, the relief and glorious peace that flooded my entire being after they left cannot be put into words. To anyone who has been directly or indirectly involved with a cult, leaving isn't always the "end" of the struggle or battle; as they will often tell you. Jesus set me free, and though you may think - this could never happen to me, I pray and hope you're right. But, it could happen to someone you love, someone you would never think would "fall for something like that"... think again. The devil has more snares/traps, and devices to take unwitting souls to hell than you can imagine. That is his game - taking souls to hell, and he is very good at it. FINAL THOUGHTS... The good news is that Jesus Christ is stronger than the devil, and all the demons in hell put together! The battle was won at Calvary, and sealed forever when Jesus Christ rose triumphant over death through His glorious resurrection from the grave. If you have a family member, relative, or friend, or even foe; who has become entangled in a cult, or counterfeit religion or philosophy that you know is trapped or unable to free themselves. First, pray for them, and pray earnestly and with compassion, and that will begin the work of freeing them. Love them unconditionally, and don't, I repeat don't try to scold them or ridicule them into leaving... It doesn't work that way. Give them a bible, give them testimonies of people like myself who've come out of false teachings, and cults; and above all - BE THERE FOR THEM. Don't abandon them in their hour of darkness and despair. Pray for them and with them, and listen to them. God can use you to be the person to lead them to Jesus Christ, to the One who can set them free forever. I pray that you will share my testimony with others as you are led. May God use my testimony to set others free from the lies and cunning fables that have blinded the hearts and minds of millions today. Blessings to all/Michael D'Aigle Scripture References: COL.2:13-15, 2 CO.4:4,1 CO.15:1-4, CO.2:18 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. 1 Timothy 4:4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; MY ESCAPE FROM SCIENTOLOGY/PT.3 - How God led me out of the darkness (My testimony/Michael D'Aigle) (If you missed Parts 1 - 2 read my blog) SOMETHING'S NOT RIGHT... The longer I was involved with Scientology, the more I started to doubt the whole thing; there was just something about it that didn't sit well with me. I come from a background, that allowed me to have a basic foundation in Christian theology. I converted to Christianity at the age of 12, and for a while went to a parochial school, and for a while I attended church regularly and was very sincere I might add. That all ended with my journey into drugs/rock-and-roll and life in the fast lane. Wherever God was, He seemed a million miles away from me at this time of my life. But, my background and familiarity with the Bible and Christian teaching was perhaps serving me well at this time when darkness and confusion seemed to envelope me. I began to look closely at the lives of the other staff members, particularly those who were our leaders and was greatly disturbed by what I perceived to be a lack of virtue and good character. That may sound strange coming from a lost sinner, who had spent years doing drugs, and doing things that are not worthy of being mentioned here; but it dawned on me that Scientology had some serious flaws based on what I was observing with my eyes and ears. Lying, fornication, foolish jesting and coarse language, no make that "filthy language" was very common when we were not in front of customers or potential clients. I sensed that we were all good at "putting on a false front", a facade for the public; but when we were alone with each other - we were no different than the people I knew when I was in the streets, or when I was a party animal hanging out with groupies and stoned out rock stars on the road... Yes indeed, my eyes and ears were getting the message: SOMETHINGS NOT RIGHT HERE! WHERE ARE YOU GOD? It was about this time that I began to cry out in my inner being to God. I started to pray silently, quietly up towards heaven - God if You're there, if You're really there; please show me what is truth? Help me to find You. Show me what to do? Help me find my way? I asked God to reveal Himself to me, and to help me know what I was supposed to be doing? I was very miserable, and realized that Scientology was not what I thought it was, or what I hoped it would be... Little did I know it at the time, but God heard me cry out in despair - and He was listening to my every word. I began to read the Bible in secret, and especially the gospels. I devoured the Gospel of John, and would read privately whenever I could. I prayed, read the Bible and meditated on the scriptures when ever my mind was free enough to do so. I was being set free inside, but I knew that my contract with Scientology was a sticking point in leaving; besides - I had no place to go to anyway. The seeds of my being set free were all in place, as the word of God was freeing my mind and spirit and soul from the inside out! I knew that the Bible was something I could turn to , something that would give me the answers that I needed... I was right. God was breaking the chains and strongholds in my life as I studied and absorbed the scriptures like a starving man on a deserted island. THE FINAL DAYS... The attitude of most Scientologists on staff towards other religious beliefs, especially Christianity was very condescending and mocking in tone. They really believed that Scientology was the answer, the best way to help mankind... This meant I was keeping my devotions and pursuit of spiritual truth and deliverance a secret and this was becoming more and more difficult because you are rarely alone when you are on staff. I knew that I had to leave, but there was this haunting and gripping fear that had me in a constant state of paralysis and kept me from acting on my desire to leave and be free. After months of praying, and reading the scriptures - I finally felt strong enough to plan my escape - the day of my exodus from this horrible, frightening maze of confusion and this never ending feeling that I was trapped, caught in something that was not of God. It's hard to describe, but at the time leaving, and simply walking away seemed almost impossible - something that I was terrified to think about ; but I knew if I didn't leave - I might end up being swallowed up - engulfed in the evil and web of deception that I had become a part of... THE DAY OF ESCAPE... The day I left, was sunny and bright - and there wasn't a demon or devil in hell that was going to prevent me from leaving Scientology or walking away. I had no money, no car, nothing but the decision I had made months earlier - to leave this place of torment and never look back! I drove to the Org that morning just as I had on every other morning, but that day I had a sense that this terrible nightmare was going to end for me. As I walked out into the beautiful sunshine that day, and headed back to Flint, Michigan; I didn't know what my future held - or what the next chapter of my life would be; but I knew this one thing: I WAS FREE! THANK YOU GOD - I'M FREE, I'M FREE, I'M FREE - I don't know what it feels like to walk out of prison after being locked up for years and years -but I'm sure it must feel like I felt that day! I cannot put into words the feelings of elation, and joy and freedom that filled my soul as I cut my ties from Scientology and walked away that lovely - sunny day; but I can tell you it was very - very real. Sometime later, I committed my life, everything to Jesus Christ, - my will, my music, my future - all to Him to do as He wanted. I knew that "they" - the Scientologists in Detroit were going to come after me because of the contract I signed - and they did. (I'll share my final confrontation with Scientology in my conclusion, next) TO BE CONTINUED... Blessings to all/Michael D'Aigle MY ESCAPE FROM SCIENTOLOGY... How I was set free from this "cult" of demonic seduction. My testimony/Michael D'Aigle Pt.2 continued... If you missed PT. 1, just go to my blog - MY LIFE AFTER JOINING SCIENTOLOGY... After signing a five year contract to join staff as a Scientologist, my life was turned upside down - and it all began with my move to Detroit, Michigan. I didn't own very many earthly possessions at the time, so moving was not a big deal, and really was just a matter of taking a few clothes and belongings and moving into a house with other "staff members". This is where my eyes began to be opened. Because we all lived on next to nothing in terms of pay or salary; we simply could not afford to have our own homes or apartments. I remember there being about 10-15 of us living in one large home, and this was a co-ed group and we all had our own bedrooms; at least I think so. I was too busy to do anything but work/sleep and go back the next day to the Org. I can't remember the exact amount I was paid for each day of work, but it wasn't much by anyone's standards - then or now for that matter. I normally worked around 100 to 120 hours a week, and remember getting paid about 20 dollars for that week. We started very early each day, and drove together as a caravan arriving early at our building on Livernois Ave., in Detroit. We would all gather together for our morning ritual of having a rousing "pep rally" in one big meeting room. There on the wall was a large portrait of L.Ron Hubbard, and the Org's president ( a small-fiery woman)would lead us all in a loud, boisterous cheer as we all shouted: WE'RE GOING TO SAVE THE WORLD! WE'RE GOING TO SAVE THE WORLD! HAIL RON, HAIL RON, HAIL RON. (I don't remember the exact words, but you get the idea I'm sure) This early morning gathering would last around 15 minutes, and then the Org's leader would say now, "Let's go and save the world!" That was our working "mantra" to inspire us and fire us all up for the long day that laid ahead of all of us. She would then clap her hands together - and like mice running for cover we would all scurry hurriedly to our assigned duties. THE BODY AND MIND BREAKDOWN... Working long hours everyday, and not eating a healthy diet because we simply were all too poor to afford a nutritious diet takes it toll on the human body after an extended period of going without. It's subtle, but you begin to feel like a robot, or just too tired to make sense of anything other than plowing ahead like a dutiful and loyal part of the never ending Organization you've committed to... Reading becomes the emphasis in Scientology, especially reading over and over the core book of it's philosophy and doctrine: DIANETICS, THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH. This was the book that L.Ron Hubbard wrote, and which he used so masterfully to create a "new religious philosophy" through which he could not only beguile and deceive unsuspecting "clients and customers"; but also the means he used to help fund and provide financial and economic support to keep Scientology going and growing. Busy, busy, busy - Hungry, hungry, hungry - Tired, tired, tired... So imagine working long, very long days - starting at 8 a.m. and leaving the Org at 10,11, or later was not uncommon; and you were kept busy as a beaver from morning till the time you left. This went on day after day after day. When you weren't doing your assigned job(mine was running an entire mailing dept), you were supposed to be getting more training(brain washing/indoctrination), and/or helping someone else in the Org. do something. Being told to hit the street, and go out and sell 2 or 3 books was a regular occurrence. The Executive Director, would come up and hand you a book or two, and say, "Go out and sell these books, and don't come back until you do." This kind of stressful activity only added to the sense that this was a spinning wheel that never seemed to stop long enough to catch your breath. It didn't take me long to realize that my life as a scientologist was not a pleasant experience, nor was it what I had hoped it would be. I was becoming more and more disillusioned with the entire idea of "this being my way out of my depression and despair"; and starting to think that I had walked right into a web of horrors. I tried to keep a positive attitude, and make myself see how this was the answer - the cure for what I, what everyone needed; but the more I learned about what Scientology was really like, the more I began to think maybe I had made a terrible, horrible mistake... THE INNER WORKINGS... Explaining how Scientology works or operates as a working philosophy is not that hard, but explaining the background or underlying teaching at it's foundation is more complex to be sure. First, let me begin by saying that my brief analysis and overview of Scientology here is based on my own experience as a Scientologist, and also as my many years as a Christian active in nearly every phase of Christian ministry. The philosophy behind Scientology would be humorous and perhaps silly, if it were not for the fact that like the "lie" Satan used in the garden to deceive and entice Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit: IT IS DEADLY POISON - AND VERY, VERY REAL! My review at this time of Scientology's teachings, may not be the same at this time; as they may have revamped their philosophy to be more tailored to this "tech savvy" generation; but I'm quite certain at it's core - this will still be it's basic and dominant teaching. The whole premise of Scientology is this: We (thetans/a greek word for "spirit") created this world as a game, as a pursuit of pleasure, something to have fun with or to experiment with. Matter,energy, time, and space. Things were going along quite well, but there was one small problem - one unforeseeable problem that would throw a monkey wrench into this game we created. Over time, we have accidents happen to us, and we experience pain and other misfortunes; and according to Scientology - these "bad things" have an adverse effect on us as human beings and need to be removed. These "bad experiences" are called: "bank" Scientology proposes the remedy for removing these terrible events and experiences from our past lives(yes, you heard me - lives). *Through a process, known as "auditing", we can have our negative past experiences erased and become eventually, after hours and hours of auditing sessions with a trained "auditor" - FREE! Hmm, there's only one small catch: IT WILL COST YOU PLENTY! If you could afford it, you could gradually complete the various levels and courses offered by Scientology and eventually go on to reach an OT level. Which stands for the words: Operating Thetan. When I left Scientology, that meant that a person reaching that level(OT 8 was the highest level possible at that time), was free from all negative past experiences, and was able to operate outside of one's body; not unlike in some respects the ideas conveyed in those who believe in :Astral projection. That this process was only possible for a very small group of wealthy people did not escape my notice. It was apparent to me that if you were affluent, you could quickly be set free from the ills besetting most of us who are among the normal mass of humanity. That bothered me greatly. Even though I was getting a few hours of free auditing a week as reward/perk for being on "staff"; I knew it would take a long - long time to go through the different levels. Again, that bothered me. It dawned on me that if auditing worked, and I had my doubts about that; it was not going to happen very quickly for me - or for most of the people we were trying to "sell this idea to"... SCIENTOLOGY'S SELLING POINTS... Okay, if Scientology is a scam, a farce, and a bunch of phony-bologna; how come so many people have bought in to it? Good question. I suppose I can ask if Christianity is the truth and the real Faith that we are to believe in and follow - Why have so many people rejected it? Both good questions, but as anyone who has studied the world's major religions(as well as the thousands of minor religions, and cults)will discover - IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE. After decades of studying Christianity, and the other major religions and numerous cults that people adhere to or claim to be followers of; I've learned one simple axiom that is worth noting. IT ONLY TAKES AN OUNCE OF POISON/LEAVEN to leaven or poison the entire lump. I say that to let you know that Scientology has it's appeal in several things. First, for some people it really works. Yes, you heard me right - some people who are Scientologists will tell you, anyone who will listen to them that Scientology has changed their lives, and made a positive difference in their lives, in their homes, in their marriages, etc. I witnessed healings where people who had been to doctors and given up hope would declare that their physical affliction was gone after a successful auditing session with a trained auditor. People would stand up and exclaim the benefits and results that they had experienced in going to the "next level" in their pursuit of going "OT". Raised IQ's, better communication skills, people skills, learning skills, and many other positive benefits were regularly toted and promoted by staff and paying clients alike. I knew Scientology has some positive aspects to it, and that it seemed to work for some people; but down inside of me I knew that there was something eerie, something not quite right with this "religious philosophy" I had so quickly embraced and made the center of my life... I began to examine the lives of my fellow staff members, and how they acted, how they talked to each other, and how they talked about people in general; and sensed something sinister - something very wicked was going on all around me. Confused and feeling I had no one I could talk to openly or that I could trust; I began to pray in my spirit to God, and to question my involvement with Scientology... the light was beginning to dawn in my soul. TO BE CONTINUED... (PT 3/God opens my eyes) * AUDITING - this is a process where a client/paying customer, sits across a table from a trained auditor/scientologist and is asked pointed questions, all designed to take a person into their past, their past lives and locate areas where there are "painful memories" and negative experiences that need to be erased and eliminated if that person is to be "free" and a happy and well human being. An example would be: If you were bitten by a vicious dog as a child, that would affect the way you behave/act now as an adult. Through auditing, that painful memory would be located, and then through confronting that fear/negative experience - you would eventually erase and remove it from your memory. At least the fear and pain associated with it. (This may seem silly to you, but thousands and thousands of people believe this to be so - and this is the core of being free through Scientology) * GOING CLEAR - Before going on to the OT levels, which usually meant going to L.A. to get the more exclusive auditing, one would first reach a level called: CLEAR - which meant that one was now free of all hurtful and painful past experiences and was a "well and happy human being" (this level costs thousands of dollars, even back then - and took a considerable length of time to achieve) * TOM CRUISE & JOHN TRAVOLTA - are two famous celebrities that have promoted the wonderful benefits of being a scientologist. Blessings to all/michael/fool4CHRIST MY ESCAPE FROM SCIENTOLOGY... How I was set free from this "cult" of demonic seduction. My testimony/Michael D'Aigle Part One. The Background... I'll begin by saying, this nightmare that happened to me seems like a fuzzy, creepy dream from long - long ago. It was a long time ago(1971-72). Yes, I know - I'm giving my age away... I had just come out of a few years of being stoned on various drugs, experimenting with sex and only God knows what. All in the name of "love,peace, and free love" - I traveled the country just prior to joining Scientology as the Rd. Mgr. for a nationally renown band: THE FROST (3 albums), and the leader of the band/Dick Wagner; who later went on to be the lead guitarist and co-writer with ALICE COOPER/band. (and a long list of others) I tell you all that to let you know - I was very familiar with the ways of the world, being around rich and famous rock stars and the like. Excess,lust,sensual gratification and living in the fast lane from day to day taught me that "sin has no boundaries" when it comes to pursuing pleasure and one's own desires... these lessons from living on the road in Holiday Inns, and being surrounded by adoring groupies and children of the night would later help me discern the folly of being trapped in Scientology. I might add that before traveling/touring the U.S. with the FROST, I lived on the street for sometime as well. It was these two experiences of being lost/penniless and clueless - to being with world famous rock stars and celebrities that gave me a bottom to top perspective of what "sin" is all about. Joining Scientology... After my professional life as a roadie came crashing to a screeching halt, and I once again found myself living on the street once again without anything to my name but my youthfulness, and my stubborn desire to survive... I was robbed by the OUTLAWS,(a motorcycle club)here in Michigan -and left with nothing, literally nothing but a few clothes and personal belongings. I stayed with my brother, and went into a deep depression which I had never experienced. It was at this point in my life when I as at my weakest point, that I began to look for a way to climb out of my depression - my despondency. Ah, there it was - I was told about these seminars or meetings where "SCIENTOLOGY" would be presented. A new "religious philosophy" developed by the late L.Ron Hubbard, a well known science fiction author and lecturer. I was impressed, and attended several of these meetings in a small building in the downtown Flint area, here in Michigan. The first meetings were strange, but they seemed harmless enough, and everyone on staff was friendly and helpful. I slowly warmed up to the idea, that maybe - just maybe, Scientology would help me, would allow me to shake my dark depression and feelings of fear and loneliness that had engulfed me inside. Outwardly, I knew how to put on a smile and carry on, but inwardly I was miserable and looking for something, someone to lift me out of the pit of despair that drugs and living a lawless lifestyle had brought me to. I saw "light" at the end of my dark tunnel, and started being absorbed and entangled in the world of Scientology. I was convinced that to be really free, I needed to be totally committed and involved with this group, this philosophy... the next step was simple. I'll become a member of the "Org", or organization as they refer to it. I looked at the contracts, which were 5 year, 10 year, 15 year, 20 year, on up to forever/infinity(not sure on the technical term now), but the contracts were not to be taken lightly, and they were as I was to find out later - not easily to walk away from either! I signed a 5 year contract, and moved to Detroit, Michigan; where I served as the Director of Mail/Publications - sending out 30,000 to 40,000 mailings a week. TO BE CONTINUED... |