Reflections, from a man obsessed with
the truth...
TO ALL WHO LOVE THE TRUTH... Hebrews 5:14But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. DISCERNING GOOD FROM EVIL... If there is a shortage on anything today in the Christian churches it is the ability to "discern good from evil"... Never before in the history of the Christian Church has there been such a vacuum or void when it comes to the lack of individuals calling themselves Christians; who have their "senses exercised" to clearly distinguish good from evil, right from wrong, and the holy from the profane! The sad reality is that this present culture of death, perversion, and ungodliness; has to a large extent "dumbed down" many Christians to the point they call "good evil - and evil good." It is ridiculous to think such a person can overcome evil or the schemes of the devil; if he or she is unable to tell good from evil, or the truth from a lie... Sadly, that is the state of affairs in many churches and homes today! Isaiah 5:20Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Today, with so many Christians spending more time staring at their cellphones(I refuse to call them smartphones), than they do their bibles; it is no small wonder that distinguishing the good from that which is evil - is not something that many Christians are able to do... at least not consistently. Why? All sarcasm aside; the simple truth is that knowing the difference between good and evil is not handed to anyone on a silver platter, nor is it a given just because a person is saved and becomes a Christian. The sad reality is their are probably more "dumb/ignorant" Christians walking around today than at any other time in Church history! (I'm not talking about I.Q., or natural intelligence/but spiritual wisdom and knowledge that only comes from God) Wow! That's an unkind and haughty thing to say Michael... Why, we have more bible bookstores, and more bible helps than ever; and we have more Christian television and radio programs and stations than you can shake a stick at(sorry, that's the best cliche I could come up with at this time in the morning). Hey, Michael we've got more biblical data and information at our disposal than all the proceeding generations of Christians put together - right now, here and you say we: CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RIGHT AND WRONG, BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL? We have more accumulative knowledge now than... well; you get the idea - right? Hmm, let me just say in answer to that gibberish: Read what the prophet Daniel had to say about the subject of "accumulative knowledge in the last days" Daniel 12:4 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” A LACK OF DISCERNMENT... Christians assenting to the idea of "same sex marriage", was unthinkable only decades ago... but, now many so called Christians are spouting the "new theology" of love and compromise... I mean who are we to judge, right? WRONG! The bible has already pronounced homosexuality as a sin that will keep you out of heaven. Yes, all manner of sins will keep you out, "drunkenness", "murder", "lying" , "stealing", and many more works of the flesh; but please keep in mind why Satan is so adamant on changing our mindset on the idea of men and women marrying someone of their own sex: BECAUSE IT STRIKES AT THE FIRST INSTITUTION GOD ORDAINED - God created Adam and Eve/not Adam and Steve... I won't even go into the killing of "unborn defenseless babies"; as that is a matter for another day; but there we find many Christians siding with the idea of "sacrificing our children" on the altar of ... (more on that later) THE FAMILY. I'll let you ponder that for a few minutes, but suffice to say... Yes, Lucifer hates the church, and he hates Christians. Hey, he hates everyone, and everything God has created(perhaps even himself in a twisted and perverted kind of way - can he love anything?). Ah, but the "family" the very thing that God created to fill the earth, to be His' own family, with He Himself as it's head. Think about it, changing that original design from man and woman, to man and man, or woman and woman - is an abomination to God, and strikes at the very core of human civilization. Yet still, many modern free thinking Christians(who aren't studying their bibles); have concluded that somehow the bible must be wrong, that God's word must be erroneous . Yes, I'll decide what is good, and what is evil: and the truth is what I think it is! That's almost funny, is it not? NOT. Sadly, accepting homosexuality as a good thing, as an acceptable lifestyle is now okay with many Christians today. That is apostasy, just as sure as it would be to denounce Christ as Lord. You see when we begin to throw out "unwanted parts" of the bible, regardless of our reasons; we begin to tear down the "foundations" that God has laid for all of us to live and die by... and for anyone who may accuse me of "hating homosexuals" ; you would be wrong. I love them, I love murderers, drunkards, and liars, and all other sinners of every stripe and persuasion, really. But, I hate the sin that Jesus died for, that Jesus came to set us free from, and I know that we are to hate what God hates. I hate the sin. I do not hate the sinner. And, can distinguish clearly between the two. FINAL THOUGHTS: Knowing the difference between what is good, and what is evil is so basic to what being a Christian is supposed to be, that it should be the very essence of who and what we are as children of God, children of light... Today, seeing or hearing something evil - should cause any Christian to immediately look the other way, or cover their eyes or ears in disgust or anger! When you see something nasty or vulgar, or perverted; do you turn away from it, or do you continue to gaze upon it without shame? When you hear something that you know is ungodly or that Jesus would not approve of, a dirty joke, or something obscene that should not be shown in public; do you walk away from it? Do you turn it off, or let those enticing you with these things know, that you're a Christian and you can't look at or listen to that garbage? Pornography is now the biggest industry on the internet, and to be sure; it isn't just rank sinners watching and paying for that vile poison from hell. God will give you discernment, but we still have to "turn our eyes, ears, and minds" away from evil when we are faced with it! Step one is recognizing what is evil. Step two, is not succumbing to it. Step three is destroying it if at all possible - not just tolerating it. Jesus did not turn a blind eye to evil, He destroyed it when and where He found it. Let us do likewise, amen. I leave you with a few scriptures to consider, and I pray that you ask God as Solomon did for discernment to know good from evil, and in addition; ask God for the strength to resist evil when it is presented to you. Evil may appear beautiful, and even as an "angel of light" - to deceive you and snare you. To truly discern good from evil, you will have to know God's word, and know it well. In these last days, lazy Christians, who love the world and the things of this world are fair game for all the wiles of the enemy! Watch and Pray should be our mantra and end time's song. God wants you and I to be able to easily spot truth from error, and good from evil. To do that, we have to feast and meditate upon God's word day and night... what are you feasting on? Make no mistake, the devil's main game is keeping you from reading your bible. I'll say it again, to keep you from discerning good from evil, the devil will use everything at his disposal to keep you from reading the scriptures. You can take that to the bank. Psalm 119:11 Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You. Psalm 119:37Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, And revive me in Your way. Ezekiel 44:23 “And they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean. (the responsibility of the priests) 1 Kings 3:9 Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?” Blessings to all/michael/fool4CHRIST p.s. If you ask God to give you the "discernment" to know right from wrong, truth from error, and the holy from the profane: He will prompt you to study the bible intently... it won't fall from the sky.
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